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Image by Markus Spiske


I'm your heart felt Therapist and Intuitive Healer.

Also a proud member of the glbtiq+ community.

I feel deeply honoured to offer such profound work. I had a difficult upbringing and I was determined to create a better experience for myself. Those experiences shaped me. I wouldn't be the person or practitioner I today, without my past.  I understand trauma, anxiety and depression intimately. 


I always felt drawn to approaches that looked at the unconscious and subconscious terrains. I knew that I was not going to find the answers I was looking for, through working solely on the mind. Deep down, I knew that whatever I was experiencing was connected to something far greater than just me.


The penny dropped when I came across Family Constellation Therapy. I learnt that a lot of what I was feeling, was connected to unresolved events from previous generations. I learnt that in order to move forward, we need to face the past. To acknowledge the stories and feelings, that have been buried and forgotten.


There were many family secrets and buried emotions, that I was connected too. It felt like a horrific burden to carry, to be completely honest. It impacted everything.  This modality supported me to work through the layers. Which allowed healing and resolution not only for myself, but my family line.


Psychosomatic Therapy, which is a way to understand what's happening in the subconscious, from reading the face and body, taught me, we not only carry our own unresolved emotions in our bodies, we also carry our ancestors.


As I started my practice, my gifts emerged. I was able to see, feel and hear subtle energies, including those who have passed over. This supported me to work on many different levels and see things that would otherwise be hidden.


People so often afraid to face the unknown or to feel their pain. That's where true freedom lies. 


This work gave me the answers and freedom I longed for.


That is my wish for you too.

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My Acknowledgments

I acknowledge my ancestors, for their wisdom and guidance in my healing journey.


I acknowledge those within my family lineage, that suffered a difficult fate.


I acknowledge those who died by tragic circumstances.


I am deeply sorry!


I acknowledge my father.  I am so honoured that we were able to make amends before he crossed over. I'm so grateful to be able to feel him with me and know how close he really is.


I acknowledge my mother. The most courageous person I know. I didn't understand her for a long time. This work  gave me a different lens. I acknowledge how difficult her fate was and all that she endured. I am grateful to be close her now.


I acknowledge the brother, I never met. If it wasn't for this work. I would not know of his existence. I feel you, I see you, and you truly belong. 


I acknowledge my teachers.


I acknowledge the pain and suffering I have endured to get to where I am today. I acknowledge how grateful I am for my gifts.


I choose to honour my ancestors, by choosing me, and doing things differently.


I acknowledge that  it is not easy, to heal and break generational patterns. 


I also acknowledge how incredibly worth it is


there is no greater gift then to know and love yourself.



Image by AARN GIRI

Acknowledgment of Country

Image by Ivan Bandura

I acknowledge, those who came first.

The traditional owners of this land.

The Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation.

I acknowledge their ways, their stories, their connection with the land.

I acknowledge all that was endured and taken away.

I acknowledge the pain and suffering, their strength and courage.

I am so deeply sorry....

I acknowledge and pay my respects to the elders, past, present and future.​

And to all First Nations people who are part of this community.



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